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AdminQuickEditPRO v3.5.4

AdminQuickEditPRO v3.5.4

* Select & Sort columns displayed * Quick in place edit * Advanced filters * Match anywhere *

What does it do?
AQE PRO extends OpenCart Catalog and Sales menu list view pages.

On Catalog (categories, products, filters, profiles, reviews, downloads, options, attributes, attribute groups, informations and manufacturers) andSales (orders, returns, customers, coupons, affiliates, vouchers and voucher themes) pages Admin Quick Edit PRO enables you toquickly edit the values in place without having to leave the list view and open the conventional item edit page, so you cansave a lot of time. This is ideal for shops with lots of products and big turnover where prices, quantities, etc often need to be changed.

Additionally the extension allows you to select and sort the columns displayed on Catalog and Sales list view page anddetermine the columns that can be quick edited.

Editing items has never been so fast & easy before – just click on the value you want to change, edit it and hit Enter (or press Save where appropriate) to save the changes. Clicking outside the edit box or pressing Esc (or Cancel button where appropriate) will cancel the edit.


  • Selectable columns
    Choose the columns you wish to see in the list view, hide the rest
  • Sortable columns
    Arrange columns in custom order
  • Enable/Disable quick editing per column
    Control which columns can be quickly edited and which not
  • Search anywhere
    Filter string matches anywhere in the phrase.
  • Interval filtering for numeric values
    Filter items within a value range (e.g. price between 100 and 300 or quantity above 10)
  • Alternating row colour + hover highlighting
    Makes viewing long lists easier
  • Direct links to store
    Quickly view products, categories, manufacturers and information pages in the store (with multistore support)
  • Status highlighting
    Displays disabled items in red, so they can be easily found.
  • Fully multilingual
    In multilingual shops you can quickly edit the values for any language
  • Fully AJAX based
    No page refreshes are needed
  • Option for single or double click quick editing

– OpenCart 1.5.0 or later (as specified)
– vQmod 2.3.2 or later (as specified)

General features
Version 3.0 new features

[button size=”small” color=”green” style=”none” new_window=”true” link=””]Админка (demo : demo)[/su_button]            
AdminQuickEditPROv3.5.4oc1.5.6 XvQmod (4.9 MiB, 754 downloads)

About Grek

Хорошее начало — не мелочь, хотя и начинается с мелочи По вопросам подписки / рекламе, пишите в личку или на почту [email protected]

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Comments ( 3 )

  1. помогите пожалуйста установил даній модуль и админке в товарах в вкладке название пишет Notice: Undefined variable: text_autocomplete in /…./ on line 151 placeholder=”” /> платформа ocstore

    • Нужно в хмл файле изменить все пути ленгвиджа с энглиша на русиан

    • Алексей
      07.11.2014 at 09:48

      Языковые файлы отсутствуют для русского языка. В vqmod файле, там где изменения вносятся в языковой файл вместо english поставьте *.

    • ага. а еще при изменении кол-ва товара например пишет ошибку parseerror

  2. Алексей
    07.11.2014 at 09:49

    А новой версии нет случайно?

  3. Please share AdminQuickEditPRO_oc20x [v5.1.2] OCMOD

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