Advanced Categories Modules
Create multiple modules with custom selection of categories and subcategories, with different display styles, and more.
Main features: (opencart 2.x)
- Unlimited module creation on any layout in any positions.
- Completely standalone; no core file edits.
- Compatible with multi store and multilanguage.
- Full category path (link and breadcrumb).
- Custom module title (multilanguage).
- Categories Display Mode:
— Display custom selection of categories.
— Display subcategories of custom selection of categories (first child level).
— Display all first level categories (the same as default OpenCart Category module). - Module Display Style :
— List with categories names (same design as default OpenCart Category module) .
— Drop down box with categories names .
— Categories Images and Names — Responsive Multicolumn (similar design as default
OpenCart Products module)
— Categories Images — Responsive Multicolumn (similar design as default OpenCart
products module)
— Carousel with categories images (same design as default OpenCart Carousel module)
— Banner (Slideshow) with categories images (same design as default OpenCart Banner
module) - Responsive Multicolumn Design: custom number of items per row on different displays sizes.
- Expand categories: only active category, all categories, or no expand.
- Show / Hide product count.
- You can add a custom CSS class for each module and this allows individual module styling.
- In Admin, you can save module and not leave page (Save and stay on page) and you can duplicate an existing module (Save as Copy)
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