Blog / News V4.2 — extension for opencart
+++Version changelog is in the documentation tab+++
>> insert/edit articles;
>> insert/edit article categories and subcategories;
>> article search in front-end;
>> comment system for articles with admin moderation + level 1 replies to comments;
>> seo urls and meta data for articles;
>> custom page title and tags for articles;
>> custom short description area;
>> related articles;
>> customizable date added and date updated;
>> settings for article elements displayed in listings;
>> ability to load all the pages in the blog trough tpl file from your custom theme (way better theme compatibility than previous version);
>> you can set featured image in listing;
>> 4 custom fields for articles (input fields but supports html markup);
>> seo urls and meta data for article categories;
>> can enable or disable comments per article;
>> can add products related to the article;
>> can display article main image in listing and product page;
>> multistore articles;
>> multistore article categories;
>> multilanguage description, name and meta data for articles and categories;
>> Facebook meta tags (opengraph) and Twitter meta tags for article pages
>> ability to use facebook comments for articles
>> ability to use disqus comments for articles
>> publish date setting for articles
>> image gallery for articles
>> youtube videos easy form for articles
>> ability to copy articles
All my work:
Comments ( 2 )
Ребят, кто нибудь установил на 15521 ocstore ?
не работает seo. ((