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Customer Group Percentage Discount v1.3.5

Customer Group Percentage Discount v1.3.5


«Customer Group Percentage Discounts» is an OpenCart extension that allows administrator to quickly set percentage discount price per product for each defined Customer Group.
Administrator can also choose to display some or all group prices on product detail page, allowing customers to view and compare prices applied to other groups.
The percentage discount is applied to all products in the store. each product discount can be edited manually and will be not affected by group percentage if is changed.
You no longer have to jump back and forward between Data, Discount and Special tabs just to set the correct price you want for a Customer Group. You can still set up other discounts and special prices in the Product management.

*** Note:vQmod is required to get this mod working. Visit and install the latest version if you don’t have it already ***



— OpenCart 1.5.2.x —



— Install the latest VQMod (2.4.0) on your OpenCart store (
— Extract the archive in a folder to your PC.
— Upload all content from «upload» directory (admin, catalog, vqmod folders) to your OpenCart store root directory
(no core file will be overwritten, so don’t worry).
— Go to Extensions/Modules and choose to install Customer Group Percentage Discounts



— Edit the module and adjust options and percentage as needed and click save and apply.
— Eidt product, at Data tab under Price you will find new fields containing discounted price for each group. 
— When you edit the main price, all group prices will be recalculated with percentage discount in real time.
— To disable recalculation for specific customer group on this product, You have to check «Manual adjustment» check box.



v. 1.3.4
— Changes — «Is it set manually» checkbox (Catalog->Products->Data Tab) when is checked,
customer group price will not be changed when main price is edited.
v. 1.3.5
— Added percentage discount to each customer group for product options.
v. 1.3.6
— Fixed bug: not taken proper default group when it is changed from settings.


[button size=»small» color=»blue» style=»none» new_window=»true» link=»»]Демо[/su_button]           [button size=»small» color=»green» style=»none» new_window=»true» link=»»]Админка (Админ: cgpd : Пароль: cgpd)[/su_button]           
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Хорошее начало — не мелочь, хотя и начинается с мелочи По вопросам подписки / рекламе, пишите в личку или на почту [email protected]

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