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Цель сайта совместная помощь друг другу, если вы желаете скачивать ресурсы и ничего при этом не делать, вам нужно оплатить Подписку Другой вариант активно помогать другим участникам

CustomerPhotos фото к товару по тегу из instagram и twitter

CustomerPhotos фото к товару по тегу из instagram и twitter

Why choose our OpenCart Premium solutions?

10000+ customers across the globe, 13000+ product purchases and more than 22000 downloads. Guaranteed support channel with homebuilt ticket support system and custom designed OpenCart forum. Join the fastest growing community of successful businesses enjoying our end-to-end Premium OpenCart solutions.

What is CustomerPhotos

CustomerPhotos allows your customers to easily tag/add photos with the products they purchase from your store. The uploaded photos are product specific and automatically assigned to your products. Other web store visitors can see the product in action used by real customer base which builds trust, creates social buzz and is a strong selling point to other prospective customers.


✯ Automatically shows tagged photos from Twitter and Instagram
✯ Personal tags for each product (automatically generated)
✯ The extension can appear both in a tab as well as standalone
✯ Settings to control the widget
✯ Clean and crisp code, no files overridden
✯ Rewritten layout functionality.
✯ Use the module on any page
✯ Added option to wrap the module in widget.
✯ Full multi-store support.

Модуль не вылечен! Кто может вылечить прошу это сделать, файлы открыты.

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  1. blank

    А что с привязкой? Полеченый?

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