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Multi Vendor / Dropshipper Product Inquiry (vQmod)

Multi Vendor / Dropshipper Product Inquiry (vQmod)

Multi vendor/dropshipper core module installed
vQmod installed

This contribute multi vendor/dropshipper product inquiry to allow customer to email vendor instantly at product page to ask seller question. Email will then trigger to vendor and store admin with product details like product image, name, model, manufacturer, price, stock availability and website url.

Easy customize inquiry form description
Easy customize subject text
Easy change product inquiry panel title
Easy to enable/disable store admin received product inquiry email
Multi languages supported
Captcha supported
Supported multiple recipients

Easy Install
1) Unzip and upload the contents to the root directory of your OpenCart installation
2) Login to administrator page, Extension-> Modules -> Multi Vendor / Drop Shipper Seller Inquiry -> Install
3) Change status to Enabled and Save.

Support/Inquiry : [email protected]


this is for up to 1.5.6

Multi Vendor Product Inquiry V1.5 X Vqmod 20130603 (199.0 KiB)
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Comment ( 1 )

  1. blank

    форма предложения по товару подгружается, но не отправляется. Шлак

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