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Opencart seo pack v.5.1

Opencart seo pack v.5.1

It is time to make your Opencart SEO friendly!

Opencart SEO PACK contains all Opencart SEO related extensions:
1. Keywords Generator for all products
2. Meta Description Generator
3. Related Products Generator
4. Tag Generator
5. Product SEO Plus 2 more SEO features
6. Canonical Categories
7. Canonical Brands
8. Friendly SEO URLS Generator
9. SEO Friendly URLs
10. Custom Titles
11. Clear SEO
12. SEO Report
13. SEO Friendly Image Names generator
14. Auto Internal Links
15. Advanced SEO Editor
16. Multi-Language SEO URLs + Multi Language Sitemaps
17. Home Page — Meta Keywords
18. SEO Metas for Info Pages
19. Instant SEO
20. Brands/Manufacturers SEO
21. (NEW) Custom Titles Generator
22. (NEW) SEO Microdata — Rich Snippets
23. (NEW) Custom H1 tags + Generator
24. (NEW) Custom Image Alts + Generator

All these extensions and features cost more than $250, but now you can buy this pack for only $99.


1. Keywords Generator — generates meta keywords for products and categories.
2. Meta Description Generator — generates meta description for products and categories.
3. Related Products Generator, based on a complex algorithm, is a powerful tool which is very useful if you have many products and it takes plenty of time to find related products for them. In a couple of seconds, it generates related products for all your products.
4. Generates product tags.
5. Product SEO Plus adds a h2 tag with name of product in product description, which is a plus for search engines + 2 more features.
6,7. Canonical Categories & Brands generates SEO canonical for categories and brands.
8. Friendly SEO URLS Generator — generates SEO URLS for products, categories, manufacturers and information.
9. SEO Friendly URLs transforms links like in
10. You can set custom titles for products and categories,
11. Clear SEO deletes all SEO data (ALL tags, meta descriptions, meta keywords, seo urls and related products).
12. Check your SEOs with SEO Report.
13. Image file name is as much as important as image’s alt attribute for SEO. Generate your SEO image names with SEO Image Name Generator.
14. You can add unlimited auto generated internal links for SEO purposes or you can complete descriptions with tool-tips.
15. Edit your SEOs with Advanced SEO Editor.
16. Multi-Language SEO URLs helps you set multiple urls for every product/category/brand/info (one for each language). SEO URL generator will generate URLs for each language. Sitemaps were added for each language. They can be found in Extensions -> Product Feeds -> Google Sitemap and contain all SEO URLs for that language.
17. You can set meta keywords for Opencart’s home page.
18. You can set meta keywords and meta description for info pages.
19. Instant SEO completes SEO data on add/edit product/category/info/brand.
20. Adds description, meta keywords, meta description and custom titles to your brands.
21. Generates custom titles.
22. Creates microdata for products based on and breadcrumbs based on
23. Adds and generates custom h1 tags for products.
24. Adds and generates custom alt image tags for products.

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