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Paladin SEO Manager ver(3.4.0)

Paladin SEO Manager ver(3.4.0)

Paladin SEO Manager (PSM)
Goal of this module is the improving search engine ranking and driving more traffic to your sites.

What is Paladin SEO Manager?
PSM is a SEO software, which is a proven suite of professional web promotion tools that helps you with all aspects of website promotion and search engine optimization.

PSM offers sophisticated generators for website optimization:

Generator works on basis of template system and simple parameters for generating the SEO texts for all pages. In the templates you can use both any words and special parameters (!pn — product name; !cn — category name and many other)
Every parameters will be replaced on the appropriate values (for example: !pn -> «Product name», e.t.c)

PSM has the next main features:

PSM generates the Rich Snippets and the social buttons for your site:

PSM has easy system for editing your all SEO data:

PSM has the many tools for improve the website:

PSM offers the best tools at the best price and it can ensure that a site is accessible to a search engine and improves the chances that the site will be found and ranked highly by the search engine.

[button size=»small» color=»blue» style=»none» new_window=»true» link=»»]Демо[/su_button]           [button size=»small» color=»green» style=»none» new_window=»true» link=»»]Админка (demo; demo)[/su_button] (2.2 MiB)
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About Grek

Хорошее начало — не мелочь, хотя и начинается с мелочи По вопросам подписки / рекламе, пишите в личку или на почту [email protected]

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Comments ( 4 )

  1. blank

    I’ve registered, but does not my password
    Can you give a solution?
    Thank you

  2. blank

    Can you give a solution?
    I’ve registered, but does not my password
    Thank you

  3. blank

    Ссылка не рабочая 🙁


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