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Цель сайта совместная помощь друг другу, если вы желаете скачивать ресурсы и ничего при этом не делать, вам нужно оплатить Подписку Другой вариант активно помогать другим участникам

POSITIONS PRO + 34 New Extra Positions

POSITIONS PRO + 34 New Extra Positions


POSITIONS PRO — is a premium addition to OpenCart.
At the moment, OperCart has only 4 positions module placement and information on the site.
After installing the module POSITIONS PRO you have another 34 additional positions for the design of the site. You have the opportunity to place any module and any page in the site, which increases the ability to appropriately design the site better and more practical.
As a result, you get 38 positions for module for your site.

* 34 New Positions Uniresal
* Positions in Header Top
* Positions in Slider Content
* Positions in Above Content
* Positions in Below Content
* Positions in the Footer Top
* Positions in the Footer Bottom
* Compatible with all modules
* Compatible with all pages
* The module is fully configured
* Installation — 5 seconds
* Support for 24/6

POSITIONS PRO — does not replace or remove the basic files.

Sorry but we do not maintain module for templates Boss and Pav …
The reason — the templates are made not by the standards OpenСart

First of all we are responsible for these templates of us.
If you have a template that is not specified by us … we will gladly consider your offer … and we’ll do it for expansion … We kindly ask you to coordinate this matter


* * Fixed module for template Oxy
* Fixed positions Responsive for template Oxy

* * New versione 2.0 for template Default
* Fixed positions Responsive for template Default

* Fixed module for Multi Languagi

* * Fixed module for template Perfectum
* Fixed positions Responsive for template Perfectum

* Fixed positions Responsive for template Selyia

* Fixed module for template Selyia

* Initial release

My email for support — [email protected]

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About Grek

Хорошее начало — не мелочь, хотя и начинается с мелочи По вопросам подписки / рекламе, пишите в личку или на почту [email protected]

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Comments ( 3 )

  1. blank

    на ocstore не работает выводит в меню всё ок , тема дефолт .

  2. blank

    Да вроде все четко написано
    Supported OC Versions: +
    Теперь сравнивай ЦИФЕРКИ 🙂

  3. blank

    А для есть такой модуль с ocmod?

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