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Product Option Value Customer Group Wise

Product Option Value Customer Group Wise

Product Option Value Customer Group Wise:

This extension provides a very easy way to set the option’s value for every type of options customer group wise or for all.

For example, if there are two type of customer groups “Default” and “Wholesale” and you need to set the option value for every option (Select, Radio, Checkbox, Image) value differ for each customer group then your search ends here.

If any product is added to the cart before login or login of a customer of default group, product(s) added to the cart remains unchanged, but if a customer of non-default group logs in, the cart empties.

Supports Joomla AceShop

Easy to install and use.

Product Option Value Customer Group Wise (3.1 KiB, 251 downloads)


About Grek

Хорошее начало — не мелочь, хотя и начинается с мелочи По вопросам подписки / рекламе, пишите в личку или на почту [email protected]

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