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Цель сайта совместная помощь друг другу, если вы желаете скачивать ресурсы и ничего при этом не делать, вам нужно оплатить Подписку Другой вариант активно помогать другим участникам

Products Carousel:bestseller,specials,related and more

Products Carousel:bestseller,specials,related and more

With Products Carousel you can create beautiful and professional carousel slides with products at any CMS pages or sidebar columns of your store.

You configure:
a) the source of products: Category/SubCategory product, Multi Category (you select the category), Custom products (you selected the product), Specials products, Latest products, Popular products, Products Related, BestSeller products,Product Category Current, Product Manufacturer e Current Manufacturer;
b) number of products in the carousel;
c) width and height image of product;
d) autostart;
e) time animation;
f) axis (horizontal o vertical);
g) show name product;
h) show price product;
i) show cart button;
l) enable popup product with detail (name, price, name e price);
m) random product in the source;
n) cache;
o) define caption in multi-language mode
p) multi-instance : you configure multiple carousel in the same page, with indipendent configuration.

Installation Instructions::
Copy files preserving origin structure* form package and configure through admin panel.
Go to Admin panel
Extensions > Modules > Products Carousel (click on Install/Edit)

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  1. blank

    через этот модуль взламывают сайт

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