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Цель сайта совместная помощь друг другу, если вы желаете скачивать ресурсы и ничего при этом не делать, вам нужно оплатить Подписку Другой вариант активно помогать другим участникам

Social Business – social business networking

Social Business – social business networking

SOCIAL BUSINESS is a web application CMS (Content Management System) built in PHP based on MVC pattern (Model-View-Controller) written in OOP technique, with PDO (PHP Data Objects) as a method of connecting to a DBMS (MySQL ).

The design is developed using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript using the popular frameworks Boostrap (3.1.1) and jQuery (2.1.0) and for programming we choose a simple and flexible framework: FuelPHP (1.7.1).

The main purpose of the Social Business application is to develop a social network aimed to business people who want to make their businesses known to other people and find their business partners easily. Of course with a little imagination the Social Business application can be transformed in a different kind of social network.

What is Social Business for: – for someone who wants to develop a business community, a social networking or business networking – for people who own several businesses – for a user who wants to keep track of the appointments they have

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About Grek

Хорошее начало — не мелочь, хотя и начинается с мелочи По вопросам подписки / рекламе, пишите в личку или на почту [email protected]

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    а как его установить?

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