Vip customer 0.9
The customer VIP program module makes it possible to set up a discount rewards system for your customers based on their total spendings. It'll help increase your sales by offering your loyal customers discount on products and incentive to spend more to receive additional discounts.Main features:+ Set any customer membership levels (i.e. Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond) with badges+ Set customer spending threshold for each membership level.+ Customer spendings can be based on all orders, last quarter orders, or last month orders (v0.3+)+ Set whether or not to include shipping in customer total spending calculation+ Set order . . .
Скачивание доступно подписчикам. Некоторые ресурсы доступны с подпиской VIP, Если вы оплатили LITE вы не увидите вип ресурсы
Download is available to subscribers. Some resources are available with a VIP subscription. If you paid for LITE, you will not see the VIP resources.