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Visitor Statistics v1.2

Visitor Statistics v1.2

Visitor Statistics is an OpenCart extension which tracks, lists and reports unique visitors and page views per country and date. It creates a menu item at the OpenCart’s administration panel and lets you see your visitor statistics. It tracks the visitors at your website’s front end and displays the data at your website’s back end (administration panel). It has a report module where you can view and search visitor’s data by date.

Features :
— All Time unique visitors and page views.
— Today’s unique visitors and page views.
— Yesterday’s unique visitors and page views.
— Last Week’s unique visitors and page views.
— Last 30 Days unique visitors and page views.
— Last Year’s unique visitors and page views.
— Displays total unique visitors by country name, country code and flag.
— Displays unique visitors percentage in chart pie by country.
— Displays a map with the countries visited your website.
— Report module, option to search and view by Custom Date Unique Visitors or Total Visits.
— Report module, option to search and view All Time/Today/Yesterday/Last Week/Last 30 Days/Last Year
Unique Visitors or Total Visits.
— Report module, order search results by Country/IP Address/Date Visited.
— Report module uses AJAX technology for fast search.
— Report module uses fast pagination technology.
— Checks if a visitor is a bot.
— Uses the Maxmind’s GeoIP Database.
— VQMOD coded, does not change source code files.

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About Grek

Хорошее начало — не мелочь, хотя и начинается с мелочи По вопросам подписки / рекламе, пишите в личку или на почту [email protected]

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