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Breeze — Giant Social Network Platform 8.1 Andrei Grigoriev 20045878

Breeze — Giant Social Network Platform 8.1 Andrei Grigoriev 20045878

Breeze Ultimate is the one and lonely clone of nicely know social community the Fb.It lets you setup your dream website, your personal social community like Fb.This new social community rolls all one of the best bits of our earlier social community and previous/new concepts into one, straightforward to put in and handle.Breeze Ultimate platform has numerous options with numerous browser help together with IE9 class previous browsers.It has trendy responsive design, retina show prepared, full fb look in addition to options, graphs, charts, sensible messenger, 7th Gen advance search engines (Top search, pages, groups, videos, photos, users, posts and very own profile).

За данный ресурс спасибо Andrei Grigoriev 20045878

JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL Software Version PHP 5.x, PHP 5.3, PHP 5.4, PHP 5.5, PHP 5.6, MySQL 5.x, Other
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Хорошее начало — не мелочь, хотя и начинается с мелочи По вопросам подписки / рекламе, пишите в личку или на почту [email protected]

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