Easy Language Editor v1.5 (Language file editor) OC 2.х
Удобное расширение [Opencart] Easy Language Editor v1.5 позволяет создавать и редактировать языковые переводы (формулировки) прямо из админки ОС
Easy Language Editor
Easy Language Editor — with this extension you can easy edit or create new languages.
New version of Opencart — version It have some core language changes
To update Your language files — rename folders and default PHP file ex:
/catalog/language/german > /catalog/language/de-de
/catalog/language/german/default.php > /catalog/language/de-de/de-de.php
/admin/language/german > /admin/language/de-de
/admin/language/german/default.php > /admin/language/de-de/de-de.php
Copy flag from /image/flags
to /catalog/language/de-de
and rename it to ex: de-de.png
- You can easy create or edit 2 or more languages;
- Extension will create folders or files automatic if it doesn’t exist;
- This extension allow you translate new modules on all languages in you shop (if you will add new module with one language);
- Extension allow you translate new modules on all languages in you shop (if you will add new module with one language);
- Settings for new language auto-complete — You will have dropdown(select box) menu with 20 languages This dropdown menu — auto-complete input fields(Language Name, Code, Locale…).
- Languages file save using AJAX (no page reload);
- Fast Search Prev/Next for empty fields. If you want start search from some another position — press «red point» and Prev/Next will start from new position;
- Fast Search using browser. You can open all files/folders on one page and use CTRL+F to search.
- No encrypeted;
Demo: http://opencart2.bom.lt/admin/ (Button «save» doesn’t work in demo, for security reasons)
Username: demo
Password: demo
Access Permission:
— Extensions > Modules > Easy Language Editor
— System > Localisation > Language
For any request, suggestion or bug, contact me at sorcer[at]bk.ru
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