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FormBuilder 156.1

FormBuilder 156.1

OpenCart Versions: 1.5.1.x – 1.5.6.x

Quickly and easily create any kind of form you want for your OpenCart store. The Form Builder extension can create forms, record responses to those forms, e-mail the results to the administrator and/or the customer, and display the recorded responses in a report. Start expanding the information you collect from customers by creating contact forms, quote request pages, reservation forms, surveys, and more!

  • Upload and go — requires no modification to core files.
  • Drag and drop fields to add or reorder them, choosing from a variety of field types (including captcha, checkbox, date, time, e-mail address, file upload, hidden data, radio button, select dropdown, multi-select box, text input, password input, textarea input, and submit button).
  • Lay out the form page however you want by adding column breaks, row breaks, and HTML blocks just like any other field type.
  • Pull information from the URL query string into form fields, including the product name and model from a product_id in the URL.
  • Set all front-end language for the form directly through the admin panel, with multi-lingual support.
  • Place forms anywhere, choosing from a standard module position, or embedding the form on any page by pasting a single line of code in the relevant template file. All form validation and submission is done using ajax, which means it can safely be used on any page you want.
  • Create a dedicated form page using the “Create Form Page” button. This creates a layout, information page, and associated module for the form with a single click, giving it all the properties of an Information page, including SEO URLs and the ability to display in the list of bottom footer links.
  • Display a success message and/or redirect the customer to a page of your choosing after successful form submission.
  • Customize both the admin e-mail and customer e-mail messages, including any HTML content you want and the ability to embed form responses and store information within the message.
  • View a report of responses for a form, with both individual response listings and a summary of responses.
[button size=”small” color=”blue” style=”none” new_window=”true” link=””]Демо[/su_button]            [button size=”small” color=”green” style=”none” new_window=”true” link=””]Админка (demo: demo)[/su_button]
FormBuilder156.1 Feofan Net (55.2 KiB)

About Grek

Хорошее начало — не мелочь, хотя и начинается с мелочи По вопросам подписки / рекламе, пишите в личку или на почту [email protected]

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Comment ( 1 )

  1. bro any form builder for OC 2.0.x.x which also works with Journal theme

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