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Omtex 1.3 – Opencart Versions 1.5.6.X

Omtex 1.3 – Opencart Versions 1.5.6.X

Everything you need to open a Mobile Optimized Version and Tablet Optimized Version of your Opencart web store. In addition to powering your online opencart store, Omtex includes built-in mobile commerce and tablet commerce features so your customers can browse and buy from your store using their mobile phones and tablets. Omtex automatically detects devices and renders its optimized version accordingly.

Omtex uses HTML5, CSS3 and JQuery Mobile so your store looks great, highly optimized for touch enabled devices and is compatible with iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod), Android (Google Nexus, HTC Evo, Motorola Droid Razr), Blackberry, Windows Phone, Palm webOS, Symbian and other Smartphones and Tablets.

✔ Full mobile commerce and tablet commerce functionality, including an optimization for touch based portrait and landscape browsing.
✔ Mobile and tablet storefronts includes the same features, functionalities and details as your web opencart store.
✔ Mobile and tablet admin store settings includes feature to select and activate mobile and tablet template, and also deactive it to keep same as web version.
✔ Switch version options Mobile<->Desktop, Tablet<->Desktop. Option to choose light weight, optimized or separate logo for mobile and tablet versions.
✔ Mobile and tablet optimized default extensions and modules. Option to enable/disable and set different positions for mobile theme and tablet theme.

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About Grek

Хорошее начало — не мелочь, хотя и начинается с мелочи По вопросам подписки / рекламе, пишите в личку или на почту [email protected]

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Comments ( 4 )

  1. Не работает. =(

  2. Не работает – куча ошибок выскакиевает !!!!!!!!!!

  3. У меня все отлично работает на ОС Спасибо!
    Немогу разобратся как в нестандартные модули добавить позиции для мобильных устройств? Может подскажите?

  4. Инструкция по установке

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