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Fast Product Relator

Fast Product Relator

Relating products in Opencart can be quite a pain, as you have to do it for each product individually.
This extension allows you to easily and quickly relate products to each other.

— Filter for name, model, attributes and category (i.e. you can relate all products of a category to each other with only a couple of clicks.)
— Multiway relate: If you relate product A to products B and C, this option will also relate B and C to each other.
— English and German language files included.
— Using this extension will improve the quality of your catalog.
— Saves you time, money and sanity.

View Live Demo at:
Username: relator_demo
Password: demo

Go to: Catalog -> Fast Product Relator

This extension works with Opencart 1.5+
VQMod is required

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About Grek

Хорошее начало — не мелочь, хотя и начинается с мелочи По вопросам подписки / рекламе, пишите в личку или на почту [email protected]

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